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Healthcare simulation learner puts on green gloves in preparation for simulation-based healthcare education.
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Simulation scenario: Keep calm and stitch.

A doctor stitches up a kid on the scalp without anesthesia.

Stitching a wound on the scalp without anesthesia can be a challenging experience for the patient due to the scalp’s sensitivity and the potential discomfort associated with the procedure. It’s important to note that any medical procedure without anesthesia should only be done in emergencies or when anesthesia is unavailable.

That’s the situation in Gaza.

When stitching a wound on the scalp without anesthesia, the healthcare provider needs to communicate clearly with the patient, explaining the procedure and providing reassurance. The provider should also work swiftly and accurately to minimize the patient’s discomfort duration.

Additionally, aseptic techniques to prevent infection and meticulous wound closure are crucial. Aftercare instructions and pain management strategies should be provided to the patient to help alleviate any discomfort following the procedure.

It’s important to emphasize that deciding to perform any medical procedure without anesthesia should be made carefully, considering the patient’s well-being and the available resources. Whenever possible, anesthesia or local numbing agents should be regarded to minimize patient discomfort and ensure the best possible outcome.

As seen in the video, reciting the Quran, or any form of spiritual or meditative practice, can potentially help individuals cope with the discomfort or anxiety associated with medical procedures, including stitching a wound on the scalp without anesthesia. Spiritual or meditative practices can provide comfort, inner peace, and emotional support during challenging situations.

For some individuals, reciting the Quran or engaging in prayer may be a distraction, helping to shift their focus away from the physical discomfort and towards a more calming and spiritually uplifting experience. This can potentially reduce feelings of distress and anxiety during the procedure.

Additionally, spiritual practices can provide individuals with a sense of connectedness, strength, and resilience, which may help them endure the discomfort of the medical procedure with more extraordinary fortitude.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of spiritual or meditative practices in managing discomfort during medical procedures can vary among individuals, and personal beliefs and preferences should always be respected in a healthcare setting.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in spiritual practices during medical procedures should be based on the individual’s preferences and supported by healthcare providers in a respectful and considerate manner.

About Healthcare Simulation Middle East

The first and only 501(C)(3) non-profit organization for healthcare simulation professionals in the Middle East.




The first and only 501(C)(3) non-profit organization for healthcare simulation professionals in the Middle East.